Atari VCS Light Sixer
Posted on Feb 11, 2018 in Atari VCS/2600

History The Atari VCS (Video Computer System), later re-named the Atari 2600 after its part number CX2600, made its debut in 1977 and was one of the longest selling consoles of the 2nd Generation. It sold, in various models, from 1977 to 1992. It is a cartridge-based console, with an eventual library of nearly 600 games. This variant, known as the ‘Light Sixer’ contains a 1.2 MHz-rated Rockwell R6507P marked with Atari part #CO10745. It is noticeably lighter than the ‘Heavy Sixer’ that came before it, and is most-easily distinguished by having no chamfer on the bezels surroundings the...
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